Our Prices

Prepare with the best


Individual classes
$30 /hour


Paired classes
$20 /hour

General English

Individual classes
$25 /hour

Your questions answered

Common questions

Usually our classes are structured as one- or two-hour periods.

This ultimately depends on a multitude of factors such as your current language skills, your set of strengths and weaknesses, the time you can commit to improving on your own, and so on. We will be able to provide an estimate only after first couple of classes.

We have a team of professionals, who live inside and outside Canada, which allows us to be flexible and adapt to your timing.

We take a comprehensive approach; we analyze your weaknesses and work with them, ensuring that you will pass the test on first attempt.


Our instructors are experienced in taking IELTS or CELPIP tests themselves and have scored 8+ in IELTS or 10+ in CELPIP. Moreover, we have obtained CELPIP or IELTS instructor certification to have an in-depth knowledge of teaching strategies and ethics.

We understand that each of our students has their own strengths, weaknesses, and needs, so we adapt our classes and tailor them specifically for you. During the first few hours, we will evaluate your current level of English against the CELPIP or IELTS scale and identify your areas of expertise, as well as the language areas that need improvement. With that information, we will provide you with specific recommendations regarding further preparation and steps that need to be taken for your success on the exam date. Following that, we will develop a study program that will provide you with a hands-on experience with every task of the test, as well as include exercises specific to your needs, such as correct note-taking, exploring reading techniques, brainstorming for ideas, structuring writing responses, and much more.

We use official materials, mock tests, audio and video resources, as well as resources developed within our team that we will share with you. After all, your success is our success too.

Our instructors are experienced in taking IELTS or CELPIP tests themselves and have scored 8+ in IELTS or 10+ in CELPIP. Moreover, we have obtained CELPIP or IELTS instructor certification to have an in-depth knowledge of teaching strategies and ethics.


We understand that each of our students has their own strengths, weaknesses, and needs; however, some people may feel better learning together in a couple with another student. In this case, we offer individual orientation meetings, where we can assess your level of expertise as well as your weaknesses, and then consider joining you with a student of nearly the same level as you are. Following that, we will develop a joint study program that will provide both of you with a hands-on experience with every task of the test, as well as include exercises specific to your needs, such as correct note-taking, exploring reading techniques, brainstorming for ideas, structuring writing responses, and much more. Working in a pair often helps to relax and learn more from the mistakes of one another.

We use official materials, mock tests, audio and video resources, as well as resources developed within our team that we will share with you. After all, your success is our success too.

General English classes are designed to improve your spoken or written English and help you develop a vocabulary that suits your chosen field of interest. For instance, if you are a student, we can assist you in learning academic English, or if you are seeking to secure a job in an office, you may find learning business English to be a valuable investment of your time.


Individual classes will be provided as part of the training; the duration of these classes and the content of the programs can be customized according to your needs and preferences.


Overall, these classes are an excellent way to enhance your English skills or acquire new knowledge tailored to specific purposes.